Identity, politics and ethics: Why I am no longer associated with AASECT

As a therapist, my primary role is to support and understand my clients from an unbiased standpoint. While I generally keep my personal life separate from my professional practice, I believe sharing a bit about my own journey can sometimes help in forging deeper connections and understanding.

I have a diverse cultural and religious background. Raised Catholic, as an adult I converted to Judaism, which has become an integral part of my identity. I've experienced Jewish life in various religious contexts, from conservative to reform, and now find myself leaning more towards a secular and cultural appreciation of Judaism. This journey also led me to discover Ashkenazi Jewish heritage in my DNA, a revelation that resonated deeply with me. No wonder I found my way to Jewish life, it’s in my bones! (Thanks 23 & Me!)

My connection to Judaism and my diverse experiences have shaped my understanding of the complexities surrounding identity and belief systems. I've witnessed firsthand how religious trauma can affect individuals, which is why religion is not a focus in my therapy sessions. As a therapist, my approach is pragmatic and grounded in therapeutic techniques rather than spiritual advisement.

The recent global events impacting Israel have brought a new dimension to my understanding of identity politics and social dynamics. The horrific attacks in Israel on October 7th, 2023, have had a profound impact on many communities, including those I am a part of and work with professionally. These events have stirred complex emotions and discussions, especially among and between Jewish and Queer communities.

In the wake of the October 7th attacks, I've observed a range of responses and debates, some of which have been deeply concerning. As someone who navigates both Jewish and Queer spaces, I've felt a personal disorientation amidst these conversations. I naively expected my professional organization, AASECT, to echo my support for the Israeli women attacked. This created a pivotal moment in my professional journey.

The failure of AASECT to appropriately address antisemitic comments within its ranks, coupled with its reluctance to unequivocally condemn the tragic events perpetrated by HAMAS on October 7th, 2023, deeply troubled me. To be clear, condemning the rapes and murders by HAMAS on October 7th, is not “taking political sides” especially as an organization that advocates for women. (#METOOunlessYouAreJew, #BelieveAllWomen) Even more glaring is the discrepancy between the position statement made on Black Lives Matter and the excuses made by the current board for not taking any kind of stand whatsoever condemning the October 7th attacks by HAMAS. Jewish lives don’t matter? These circumstances, along with unaddressed antisemitic remarks by some members, have compelled me to reassess my professional affiliations.

Therefore, with a commitment to principles of respect, inclusivity, and ethical integrity, I have decided to transition my professional membership. As of January 1st, 2024, I am associated with The International Association of Psychosexual Therapists™ (IAPST) as a Certified Psychosexual Therapist™ and as of today I am also certified by the International Board of Sexuality Professionals (IBOSP) as a Certified Sex Therapist. This shift marks an important step in aligning myself with organizations that share and actively promote the values and ethical standards that I hold.

I want to extend a message of solidarity, especially to Jewish Queers and ALL victims of sexual trauma, who often fear not being believed when coming forward, and others traumatized by these events. My heart also goes out to innocent Palestinians caught in the middle of this war; these are people who have also been victimized by HAMAS. My practice is a safe space for anyone seeking support, understanding, or simply a place to process their feelings and thoughts. Whether you're dealing with the repercussions of recent events or other aspects of your identity and experiences, I am here to help navigate these complex waters.

In closing, I am reminded of the importance of empathy, respect, and understanding in our interactions. As a therapist, I am committed to providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment for all my clients.

Paula Kirsch

Sex and Relationship Therapist, Paula Kirsch, LMSW, LCSW, C-PST™, CST

IBOSP Certified Sex Therapist

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