From the therapist’s Bookshelf

What can I say about “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle?  When first one client and then another and another tell me they are reading something, I have to check it out!  I wasn’t disappointed!  Glennon takes us on her journey!  I love that since many of my clients and I read the book it gives us a common language, like “We can do hard things!” And we can!  Is “Untamed” therapy?  Not really, but I think reading it could be therapeutic, especially if discussed with your therapist!

“Bad Feminist” by Roxane Gay is another book I could really relate to.  You might be able to as well.  I think Roxane Gay and I must be long lost sisters, as I listen to her recount of her teaching experience!  She doesn’t like public speaking, which is a problem if you teach!  I can so relate!  It’s getting easier, but that first day of class jitters always gets me, too! Beyond that she is just relatable and talks like someone I would love to be friends with and go out for coffee and hang out and talk!

“Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents” by Lindsay C. Gibson, PhD, is another gem! I highly recommend this book to anyone who has difficulty saying “No!” or setting a boundary, especially with their parents/family! Setting boundaries with dysfunctional parents does not make you a bad person! It can however, preserve your sanity! Sometimes when I say these things to clients they look at me like I’m telling them to do something bad!  If you feel that way you’ll appreciate “The Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents Bill of Rights” in the back of the book.  Talking with your therapist about these issues can help reinforce the message and help you gain the strength to set boundaries, have difficult, but necessary, conversations and get your life back!

All three of these books have a common theme of learning how to listen to your inner knowing and help you find your voice.  (“Bad Feminist” may help you find your feminist voice)

“Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson fits in nicely with the consciousness raising films and books that bring light to the parallel universe that white people and people of color live in.  I just want to say:

Black Lives Matter!  

I highly recommend  reading or better yet, watching Just Mercy (it’s a really good movie!) I also recommend the documentary The 13th, which I think is still available on Netflix.  Another book that I recommend is “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander.  I listened to it on Audible.  It’s long. However it explains how our criminal justice system got so messed up. This is not the history we learned in school!  Most of us as white people are unaware that we are living in a universe that is parallel to our brothers and sisters of color, this will open your eyes and explain how things got so messed up.

So that’s what I’ve been reading a watching lately… what are you up to? If you struggle with finding your voice, if you feel like you’ve never had a chance to be who you are, or even know who you are and you want to explore that, call me or email me for an appointment!  I love working with clients who are trying to figure out life on their terms for the first time!

Paula Kirsch

Sex and Relationship Therapist, Paula Kirsch, LMSW, LCSW, C-PST™, CST

IBOSP Certified Sex Therapist

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