Introducing our newest office mate

One of my office mates, Salem is the newest member of our staff here. She is my fur-assistant, in charge of adding comic relief to my day (and possibly yours) with her antics, and may pop into our zoom room from time to time.

As we have sheltered in place over the past several months, moving office space to our screens, new elements have been introduced to the office. Pets! Mine, yours, ours! Mine: Sabrina and Salem are most often napping, but occasionally one of them decides to come “help” with technology by walking across the keyboard. Sometimes they just want to drop in and see if there are any pets for them to visit with in the zoom room. You pets are welcome in our zoom room as well!

On a s serious note: if you suffer from anxiety or depression a pet may be good for your mental health.

Paula Kirsch

Sex and Relationship Therapist, Paula Kirsch, LMSW, LCSW, C-PST™, CST

IBOSP Certified Sex Therapist

From the therapist’s Bookshelf


Navigating Toxic Relationships: The Power of Personal BoundariesToxic Relationships