Change Is Possible: How Therapy Can Help You Achieve Your Life Goals


Change is a constant in life, but sometimes it's easier said than done. When it comes to improving your life, knowing what you want is just the first step. The journey from wishful thinking to action can be daunting and full of uncertainty. This is where therapy comes into play. Would you like to live a life that is not only different but also better? I’m here to say that change is possible, and therapy is a crucial component that can make that change "stick."

What Do You Want, Exactly?

It's one thing to say, "I want to be happier," or "I want a better relationship," but what do those statements mean to you, specifically? What kind of happiness are you looking for? What would a better relationship entail?

The nebulous nature of our wishes and goals can make it challenging to move forward. The initial step in therapy is often to clarify these objectives. A skilled therapist can help you identify your unique set of goals, making them tangible and easier to approach.

The Power of Imagination

The ability to imagine is an incredible tool we all have. Can you picture the life you want to lead? Perhaps you see yourself traveling the world, being in a fulfilling relationship, or having the career of your dreams. Visualizing these goals is not mere daydreaming; it's an essential part of making them a reality.

Therapy often incorporates techniques that leverage your imagination to reshape your world view and outlook. By seeing a vivid image of what you want, you can set your sights on actionable steps to make that vision come to life.

Making Change Stick

Creating lasting change is hard, and setbacks are almost inevitable. In DIY self-improvement, these hurdles can often lead to discouragement and abandonment of your goals. However, therapy offers a structured environment where setbacks can be analyzed, and strategies can be refined.

Therapists provide a unique set of tools designed to navigate the intricacies of human behavior and thought patterns. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and other therapeutic models offer methods to replace unhelpful behaviors and thoughts with more positive and productive ones.

Setting You Up For Success

As you work toward your objectives, a therapist can offer real-time feedback and adjustments to your strategies. They can introduce you to coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and other resources that fortify your mental and emotional resilience. These tools don't just help you achieve your immediate goals; they are skills that will benefit you for a lifetime.


Change is not just possible; it's within your reach. The transformative power of therapy provides a structured and supportive space to explore what you truly want out of life. With professional guidance, you can go beyond merely imagining a better life — you can live it. So take the first step toward your new life today. Because the only thing standing between you and your ideal life could be the decision to make a change.

If you're interested in finding out how therapy can help you achieve your goals, feel free to reach out. The journey to a better life starts with a single step, and you don't have to take it alone.

Paula Kirsch

Sex and Relationship Therapist, Paula Kirsch, LMSW, LCSW, C-PST™, CST

IBOSP Certified Sex Therapist

Setting Boundaries


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